
I write about software development, freelancing, and building products. Here are all my articles, sorted by date.

Building my first Chrome extension

Moving into an office after 5 years of remote work

3 reasons why moving back into an office might be a good idea.

Workflows that do not hinder developers

A rant about development workflows in large companies: Why they are sometimes overly complicated, and a simpler approach.

Node.js to Rust in 2024

My personal take on migrating away from Node.js over to Rust, for a large existing code base.

Encountering the OS port limit

Building high-performing applications, interacting with PostgresSQL + PGBouncer, and encountering issues I have never seen before.

Attention problems, not taking actions

A little review of March 2024. Talking about the non-existing progress and a simple protocol to build focus, in an attempt to fix my life.

Get to work

Building fastlane wealth, as a slowlane success

Reflecting my wantpreneuer life, and the decision to change it.

Big Goals And Dream Chains

Exploring the concept of "dream chains" for achieving amibitous goals.

I already achieved goals that I said would make me happy

About the meaning of life when there is nothing left to strive for and contemplate the balance between setting goals and enjoying the journey itself.

Project Blog: done!

The Blog is done. I fully reworked my old static website and rebuild it from the ground up with NextJS. 1. It took way longer than I expected 2. I learned a lot 3. I build a great foundation for the future 4. NextJS is awesome